Sunday, June 28, 2015

Looking Back on an Incredible Month

I can’t believe that I am writing my last post for my blog about Spain. Time has gone so fast. I had an incredible last month and I feel that I really grew as a person mentally, physically, and socially as the month progressed. Mentally there were times when the trip was exhausting for my brain when I had to try and understand people speaking Spanish and then having to respond back in Spanish. Physically the trip was taxing because the main form of transportation is walking and we did a lot of walking going to and from school and when going out at night but in the end I didn’t mind because that is part of the culture in Spain. Socially is where I feel that I grew most this month because being able to converse with someone is a difficult thing no matter what language you speak but to able to hold a conversation for a little bit with someone who speaks a different language than you do is an amazing thing. When I say this I think that I speak for our whole group because we all had our times when we would just spark conversation with anyone around us and it was always interesting to see how it would go. I think this is one of the main reasons that people in Spain knew about the Loyola group of 2015 because everyone was eager just to meet people from different parts of the world and even different parts of the United States. Having good social skills is very important in everything you do in life and that was on full display this month in Spain. One of the biggest things I will take away from this trip is the importance of friendship and conversation. This trip would not be as great as it was if we didn’t have the group that we did. When we were together it was always a funny, laid back atmosphere that was fun to be a part of and the bonds that we formed were unbreakable.

            To be a “Global Citizen” means to be a person who spends time in a country and contributes to its growth. Living in Spain had shown me many new experiences and culture differences. Living in Spain made me appreciate all that America has to offer but it had also shown me a lifestyle that is able to function and be productive in a different way than America. Spain’s lifestyle is much simpler than in the United States. For example, everything is cheap in Spain, which became a problem because I wanted to take advantage of all of the great prices on everything that I didn’t realize how much I was spending. Another example is that you walk everywhere and this makes for less crowded streets and less craziness on the roads with cars. I liked the relaxed lifestyle in Spain while it lasted and it made me realize how life outside of the hustle and bustle of the American lifestyle is.

            The most important lesson I learned on this trip was the importance of social skills. Even if you didn’t speak the same language as the person you were talking with having confidence and the willingness to try and understand what the person is saying is very valuable. I enjoyed the challenge in trying to communicate with the people speaking different languages than I do and it helped me to improve both my Spanish speaking skills and my acting skills too!

            This past month in Spain was an awesome experience with an awesome group I can’t wait to see everyone again at school.


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